Flashes of Wonder

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in daily living, isn’t it? Work, errands, chores, etc. A never ending cycle of things to be done. And when you have a lot to do, your focus can be so set that you don’t truly see the world around you. Until something snaps you out of autopilot! This happened to me yesterday as I was heading out for a full morning of running errands. As I pulled up to a stop sign waiting for my opportunity to turn onto a busy street, I was startled by a flock of geese in perfect “V” formation flying low and directly over my car. It was a magnificent sight and just left me in awe. They even circled around as I headed on my way and flew over me once again. It made me wish I had my good camera, and I could have stopped my car and snapped some pictures. Instead I had to use a stock photo for this post! Anyway, it just seemed to me that this was a flash of wonder, and it left my heart a little lighter as I went about my day. I found my mind returning to the geese throughout the day and contemplating where they might have been headed.

It also had me pondering other flashes of wonder that I’ve experienced over the years. A flower sprouting up in the middle of winter, a cloud in the shape of a familiar animal for a brief moment, a baby lizard scurrying away from me on a walk, a bright rainbow streaking across the sky, fresh green leaves sprouting on trees in the spring, a cat peaking at me from a “hiding” place… Nature is generally the source for most of these flashes of wonder, but sometimes they come in the form of a favorite song on the radio just at the moment you need it, or a timely message from a friend, or a random act of kindness from a stranger. Things that lighten your mood and make you smile in appreciation of the world you live in.

I never considered myself much of an outdoor person but since I’ve been volunteering at the botanical gardens at the Albuquerque BioPark, I’ve been much more focused on nature and the flow of seasons. I’ve also come to see the kinder side of people who are happy to talk about the beauty of the gardens with me. There have been many flashes of wonder for me as I’ve spent time there and they’ve become learning opportunities. Living in New Mexico, lizards are a fairly common sight, so one day I assumed a creature I saw crawling up a tree trunk was a lizard until I really focused and saw a tiny bird! In fact, there were several of these tiny birds scrambling all over the tree trunk. I found out they were nuthatches looking for bugs among the bark of the tree. Flash of wonder! These moments are like precious jewels that must be locked up for safe keeping. Make note of them in your mind, or better yet, write them down in a pretty notebook so you can read about them on days when you are feeling low.

May you have many flashes of wonder this year, my friends!


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