Give Me a Happy Ending Every Time

When I think of how far television and movies have come since I was a child, it’s mind boggling. The storytelling, the acting, and the special effects have all come a long way. Just the fact that you can stream a movie instantly on your TV or iPad would have blown my ten-year-old mind. After all, I grew up before cable or VCRs, let alone Blu-ray and Netflix. If I wanted to watch a show, I had to be home and if I missed it, that was just too bad. Maybe I could catch it on rerun in the summer. The yearly broadcasts of The Wizard of Oz and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory were a big deal. It was a much simpler time, of course. A lot of the shows I remember always ended happily despite whatever problems were created for the characters. The good guys always won, and the heroes always saved the day. Don’t get me wrong, there has to be conflict for a good story. I just don’t particularly like a sad or bad ending. Call me a Pollyanna when it comes to movies or TV shows.

When I first saw Gone with the Wind, I hated the ending. That stupid Scarlett pining over milquetoast Ashley who didn’t even love her! She realized far too late that she loved Rhett and let him slip through her fingers. I can’t say I particularly blame him for not giving a damn after all that happened. Still, that ending was supposed to be different. Yes, I’m an incurable romantic and wanted Scarlett and Rhett to live happily ever after. But when I watched the movie again years later, I came to realize that the ending was more upbeat than I thought. Scarlett went back home to Tara convinced the future would help her find a way to win Rhett back because “tomorrow is another day.” So, still a happy ending in a way. I can roll with that.

When I was a teen, I went to see The Pirate Movie with Christopher Atkins and Kristy McNichol. They were the hot stars back then. I am really aging myself here. Hah! Now this movie is by no means cinematic greatness. It’s a very silly take on the Pirates of Penzance. But you know what, I still love that movie and I love the soundtrack even more. If I’m home alone and feeling a bit down, I will put on that soundtrack and sing along like I have the voice of Adele or something. Yes, those songs are cheesy but I’m not afraid to say how happy they make me. In fact, it will probably always be my favorite soundtrack. Play it at my funeral. Heck, have a screening of the movie too! There is one major reason I love this movie, even 40 years later. Towards the end of the movie, Kristy McNichol’s character is in the midst of a battle between the pirates and policemen and chaos is all around her. Spoiler alert (ha-ha): She’s actually dreaming all of this and suddenly declares, “This is my dream. I want a happy ending!” and what follows is simply wonderful. Yes, a happy ending with the entire cast singing “Happy Ending.” Sigh… I love that song. Do you have a movie that you love in this way? Is there a song that just speaks to your soul?

In recent years, many of the movies I have seen have left me upset and most definitely unhappy. Is Hollywood hell bent on killing off beloved and iconic characters that I grew up with? The bad guys triumph and good doesn’t always prevail. What the heck Hollywood? I want to leave the movie theater with a smile on my face. I want to turn off my television with a satisfied feeling that all is well. Isn’t that what the entertainment industry is all about, escapism? Surely, I am not alone in feeling this way. I can take the occasional dark story or twisty ending but honestly, give me a happy ending every time! And you know what else? It may only be January, but I’ve been thinking about this year and what it will bring for me and for the world. I gotta say it – give us a happy ending!


  1. I like happy endings, too, even if they are sappy ones like those in Doris Day/Rock Hudson movies. I also like inspirational ones, such as in the Sound of Music. But the two movies that first popped into my head were While you were sleeping and Shenandoah. Even though, the latter movie had so much heartbreak, one of the final scenes where the young boy stumbles into the church on his crutches and is reunited with this family is a happy moment and end to the movie. No matter how many times I see the movie, James Stewart’s face in that scene gets me every time. We need more happy endings (and more actors like James Stewart).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love While You Were Sleeping. One of my favorite movies ever! And, yes, we are sorely in need of more actors like James Stewart (and Clark Gable!)


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