Life Began in a Garden

My intention to do a blog post a couple of times a week hasn’t really happened. Health issues and a strange world I barely recognize at times has hindered me lately. Self-doubt creeps in under such circumstances and it becomes easier to remain silent. But then I started to remember how much I like to play with words and ideas, how much I wanted to create a positive place on the internet, and once again I am at my keyboard.

When the pandemic hit, my job as an office manager at a small church came to an end. Ironically, it was going to end anyway as the church was in the process of being sold. At the time, I was relieved not to have work responsibilities anymore and was looking forward to catching up on some long overdue projects, focusing on my health, and exploring volunteer opportunities. Well, as Meatloaf would say, “two out of three ain’t bad!” While I have no desire to delve into my health issues at this time, I am always enthusiastic to talk about the Albuquerque BioPark. The BioPark consists of four different locations: the zoo, botanical gardens, aquarium, and Tingley Beach. My family and I have spent countless hours there, in particular the zoo, and there is always something new to discover and delight. The main way to volunteer at the BioPark is to become a docent. Initially, I was unsure about becoming a docent, being a bit of an introvert. Instead, I began volunteering by updating the BioPark’s magazine database. But that proved to be short-lived with no further opportunities. When I learned they were doing training for new ambassadors, I decided to give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Becoming an ambassador is the first step to eventually becoming a docent. BioPark ambassadors are basically greeters who answer questions about where things are located, namely the bathrooms. Hah! My initial intention was to become a zoo docent but the slots for that training were all filled up. However, there were several slots open for garden docents. I knew plenty about animals but plants? Not so much. I did know that the gardens were very peaceful, and I was enjoying my time there. Long story short, I began my training to become a docent at the botanical gardens last September. I spent many hours walking the grounds and learning as much as I could. I shadowed other garden docents to learn even more. Most surprising to me, I talked to visitors. Who me? The shy, self-conscious person who avoids being the center of attention? It turns out it was just what I needed while coping with everything going on in the world and my own personal issues. And I met some really fascinating people, many from out of town, who plied me with questions, most of which I could answer!

Official Uniform!

A couple of weeks ago, I graduated and became a full-fledged docent. It was a very happy day for me. I plan on writing about some of my experiences during training and some of the fun things I’ve learned, so stay tuned! Recently, I was watching an old television program and in it there was a scene which showed a beautiful garden with a marker that read, “Life Began in a Garden.” It gave me pause and as I contemplated that, I realized there are many ways to interpret this quote. To me, it’s about faith. It’s also about the remarkably simple importance of plants that is the basis for all life. And most importantly, it’s about a new beginning for me. I am excited to start on this new journey of being a docent at the botanical gardens – talking with visitors and showing them how we are all connected through the world around us and how to see things from a new perspective. For now, I will share some of my favorite pictures I’ve taken during my training. More to come!

A close-up encounter with a friendly butterfly!


  1. Looks like a beautiful place to spend time! I definitely have some plant envy going on lol! Great photo of you. You look happy and at peace there. Looking forward to more pictures. Love the chickens too. I didn’t think they would have chickens lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, there are animals at Heritage Farm! I’ll be writing about them at some point. There’s a horse, sheep, chickens, and turkeys!


  2. Congratulations Ilona on becoming a docent.

    I know this has been a goal of yours.
    Don’t ever underestimate the beautiful gifts you have to offer… you may come across as shy, but I’ve never seen that in you.
    You’re very confident in your faith and in your convictions.
    Continue to walk this journey, discovering your love of all things nature.
    This will help you block out most of the negativity going on!
    A big hug to you dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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