A Long Overdue Update

Greetings! Remember me? I can’t believe how quickly the time passes. I had intended to blog about the bathroom remodeling process and give updates. Turns out that when there are workers in my home, I am paralyzed with inaction. It was all I could do to be up and ready for each day by 7:30am for when the workers arrived. Then it would be time for asking questions and answering questions. Once everyone was settled in, Max and I would go for a long walk. I would then spend a good portion of the morning working in the yard just to stay out of the house. When forced inside, I would hole up in our extra bedroom trying to ignore the dust, noise, and chaos happening while still being available for queries related to the work. At the end of each day, it was time for vacuuming, mopping, and trying to keep our living spaces as clean as possible. Truly it was a really stressful month but when all was said and done, everything turned out quite nicely and we are pleased with the final result. So here are some random thoughts and some pictures of the remodeled bathroom! If you would like to see “before” pictures, check out my previous blog post: Organized Chaos?

The first thing they did was put plastic down from my front door, through my living room, up the stairs, through my bedroom, and to the bathroom. It was an adjustment to be walking on plastic all the time. It’s loud. It’s annoying. There was also a giant sheet of plastic we had to lay over our bed every day to keep the dust off of it as we were still using our bedroom each night to sleep in. I would clean the plastic every evening so we wouldn’t track dust all over the house. Ugh. Max was not happy about all the plastic either. He tried to avoid it as much as possible. He would lay next to it to play with his toys. But after a couple of weeks, he gave up and just laid on it. Haha!

It seemed like there were endless questions to answer. I remember one afternoon talking about the color of grout for the bathroom shower, to the point where I didn’t really care if they used purple grout, just grout the shower already! There were discussions about shower shelves and shower niches (we did both), placement of electrical outlets, drawer pulls, etc. I learned technical terms like “fart fan”. In case you didn’t know, in layman’s terms, that’s an exhaust fan:

Isn’t that a great fart fan?

For me, the fun part was picking out pictures and outlet covers. I still need to find a couple more pictures but I’m taking my time finding the right ones. I also love my new closet. It is so much more organized and makes much better use of the space! The most exciting part was taking a shower for the first time. Sheer bliss. And the grout color seems good. Yay! And now the final reveal:

Whew! Now that I’ve updated you, I can get back to my regularly scheduled blogging. Hey, I heard that snicker. Okay, so I haven’t exactly blogged on a regular schedule. But I am going to change that, and I will be back soon with more thoughts, more nostalgia, and maybe another writing challenge! Have a great week everyone!


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