Goodbye 2023!

So long and goodbye 2023,

The end of you fills me with glee!

I will not cry when you are gone.

2024, I will greet you with smiles at dawn!

I’m not a poet, obviously, but those four lines sum up my feelings today. If I listed all the crummy things that happened to me over the past year, you might think that I was fibbing. Heck, when I think back on it, I’m surprised I’m not sitting in a padded cell banging my head up against the wall repeatedly with a maniacal grin on my face. The more I tried to be positive this year, the more the poo hit the fan. From little things to big things, it all continued to come flying my way. ”Plan” became a four letter word in more ways than one. Even when I stopped trying to plan my days, it didn’t matter. Universe, what did I ever do to you? 

I became convinced that declaring a new year was going to be a good one was kind of like cursing yourself. So I’m not going to do that with 2024. I’m simply going to be glad to give 2023 the boot. However, I am also going to reflect back on the year and do my best to think of all the good things that did happen and want to remember (in no particular order.)

The bathroom remodel was a success, and I am enjoying a leak free shower every day.

I celebrated 35 years of marriage to the love of my life.

I got to see Billy Idol and Rick Springfield in concert.

My daughter got married to the love of her life in a beautiful ceremony.

I now have a flock of five birds, one canary and four parakeets.

My sweet boy, Maxwell the JRT, is still alive and kicking after a serious health scare.

I was able to have lots of wonderful conversations and excursions with my soul sister and best friend, Renee.

A quick trip to Dayton, Ohio allowed me to revisit some old haunts and precious memories.

I helped the Albuquerque BioPark Society raise money for the animals through my volunteering.

These are the things I want to remember about 2023. And, really, that’s a nice list, one which given more thought, I’m sure I could add to. Gratitude is something that must be practiced every day, even the really crummy ones. I haven’t quite got that down but I’m trying. I do not know what 2024 holds in store for me but I hope it will be a bit gentler and kinder than 2023 was in regards to my health at least! If it’s not, then I’m sure there will still be a nice list at the end of it. Right, Universe?!

Wishing all of you a long list of nice things in 2024.

(I miss you Mom and Dad)


  1. Well said.  You always come through and count your blessings!  You have fought through a lot but never let it break you.  I love you!

    Sent from my iPhone

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